Wednesday, May 06, 2009

In the Tank

Man do I like our President.

When I'm feeling more ambitious than I do right now, I'll write up a really insight-free report card for our President in his first 100+ days, with plenty o' bloviation on the policy choices of this very young administration. But having worked like crazy during many of those 100 days and, thusly unable to devote as much attention to politics as I did during my unemployed days (or even my non-comic-drawing days), I'm just enjoying sitting back and watching this guy work: dazzling during press conferences, reversing dumbshit policies enacted over the last 8 years with a stroke of the pen, and, every now and again, really seeming to enjoy being President.

A story like this is a good example: Obama and Biden heading down to a local burger joint. In this case, it's a place called Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington, Virginia.

I'm not so naive as to think Obama doesn't know how appealingly down-to-Earth this photo-op makes him look (which, from an image-management point of view, probably helps tamp down on feelings in some quarters that he's too aloof or "arrogant"), or that it wasn't a response to last weekend's Republicans-Strategize-at-a-Pizzaria photo op. But I'm also not so cynical as to think the man a.) doesn't like a good burger as much as the next guy, or b.) doesn't think that going to a neighborhood burger joint in a presidential motorcade makes the experience that much cooler.

Anyway, I enjoyed this "news" story and thought I'd share.


blankfist said...

You like that he's placed our children and children's children in debt? You like that he's not against the Patriot Act or FISA? You like his future quagmire in Afghanistan? You like that he's not cutting the military budget (which just so happens to be 56% of the Federal Government's spending)? You like that he's reducing troops in Iraq instead of ending the war?

You're right; there's so much to like. Not saying the other guy wasn't worse, but this guy is not that much different from Bush.

darn said...

I only know that guy cause we applied to the same film school

Speck said...

Do you like what he is doing with the auto bailouts? Giving chrysler our tax dollars, then allowing to hit cap 11 and get out of paying it?

As much as my dream car is currently in the dodge line up. I really think its messed up he knew and allowed that to happen.

Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Crane and I want to bang the Bejesus out of Obama! I have the world' biggest man-crush on this mutha, and I look forward to cultivating a bromance with this Presihomo, yo!

blankfist said...

Crane, why do you support the use of force and violence against your neighbor?

Harwell said...

All this because of a cheeseburger...